How to record interactions with web applications using Har file


  • HAR (HTTP Archive) files are used for various purposes in web development and performance optimization due to their ability to capture detailed network activity during the loading of web pages or interactions with web applications.

What is Har file?

  1. A HAR (HTTP Archive) file is a JSON-based format used to record and store network activity generated by a web browser when loading a web page or interacting with a web application.
  2. HAR files contain detailed information about HTTP requests and responses, including headers, content, and timing metrics.


Here are the key benefits of using HAR files:

  • Comprehensive Data Capture: HAR files provide a comprehensive and structured record of network activity, including detailed information about each HTTP request and response. This includes URLs, headers, response content, and timing metrics.
  • Documentation: HAR files serve as a documented history of network interactions, making it easier to communicate and share information about how a web application loads and performs.



  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox

Record HAR in Mozilla Firefox Browser

You need to follow below steps to record Scenarios Steps using Har file option:

  1. First Open your Application link in Mozilla Firefox Browser.
  2. Then open Inspect tab.
  3. Inside Inspect tab you need to click on the Network tab. network tab
  4. Record interactions with web applications which you want to record and then go to Network Settings in XHR option.
  5. Click on Save All As HAR button
  6. Click on Save button

Record HAR in Google Chrome Browser

You need to follow below steps to record Scenarios Steps using Har file option:

  1. First Open your Application link in Google Chrome Browser.
  2. Then open Inspect tab.
  3. Inside Inspect tab you need to click on the Network tab. Network Tab
  4. Record interactions with web applications which you want to automate and then click on Export HAR in Fetch/XHR option.
  5. Click on Save button

Questions Answered

  • How to record interactions with web applications using Har file in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browsers?
  • What is Har file?


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